매년 4월 열렸던 정기 학술대회가 이번에는 3월 23일, 일본과의 연합학술대회로 아래와 같이 개최되었습니다. 일본 버지니아 울프학회와의 우의를 다지고 울프 연구에 있어서 상호 교류의 장을 더욱 공고히 하는, 뜻 깊은 기회였습니다.
Japan-Korea Virginia Woolf Conference 2013
“Reading Woolf in the 21stCentury”
March 23rd,2013
Doshisha University(Conference Room, Neisei-kan 5F, Imadegawa Campus)
- <Narrative/Writing> Chair: Hogara MATSUMOTO(Sophia University)
Kanako ASAKA (Osaka Ohtani University)
Subjective Point of View in Free Indirect Discourse–The Use of Third-Person Pronouns and Past Tense Verbs in Mrs. Dalloway
Soonku LEE (Pyeongtaek University)
Comparison of the Art Theories of Wilde and Woolf through Analysis of Their Essays
- <Woolf and the 21stCentury> Chair: Erika ASO(Aoyama Gakuin University)
Ken HATAKEYAMA (Tohoku Gakuin University)
Gunpowder and the Great War in To the Lighthouse
Heon-Joo SOHN (Seoul National University)
Virginia Woolf in the Waves of Multimedia Culture
SessionⅡ Chair:Yuko ITO(Chubu University)
<Symposium: Woolf Meets Others>
Youngjoo KIM (Sogang University)
The figure of the Jew: Virginia Woolf and Ethnographic Imagination
Yukiko KINOSHITA (Kobe Women’s University)
Virginia Woolf’s Far-Eastern Aesthetics: Virginia Woolf, Roger Fry, and Kakuzo Okakura
Youngjoo SON (Seoul National University)
An Earthenware Pot and Mrs. Brown: Virginia Woolf’s Things and Beings
Yuko ITO (Chubu University)
Russian Ballet and Body Movement in The Waves
Special Lecture Chair: Megumi KATO(Tokyo Gakugei University)
Professor Hee-jin PARK(Seoul National University)
“Between ‘Internal Monologue’ and ‘Sous-conversation’: the Worlds of Virginia Woolf and Nathalie Sarraute”